Access information about an individual

Individuals are defined by three things in edo: a dataset, metadata about the distributions used to form the columns of that dataset, and a pseudo-random number generator for sampling from those distributions.

You can access each of these objects in the same way you would with attributes. To demonstrate, let’s create an individual:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from edo import Family
>>> from edo.individual import create_individual
>>> from edo.distributions import Normal, Poisson
>>> state = np.random.RandomState(0)
>>> individual = create_individual(
...     row_limits=[3, 3],
...     col_limits=[4, 4],
...     families=[Family(Normal), Family(Poisson)],
...     weights=None,
...     random_state=state,
... )

Then the dataframe can be accessed like this:

>>> individual.dataframe
           0   1  2          3
0   2.455133   8  2  13.795999
1   2.473556  13  0  -2.606494
2 -10.151318  10  2  -3.112364

And the metadata like this:

>>> individual.metadata
[Normal(mean=1.86, std=8.44), Poisson(lam=8.92), Poisson(lam=0.99), Normal(mean=-1.23, std=9.88)]