Customise column distributions

All distributions in edo have settings that can be customised. You can see all of the currently implemented distributions, and their default settings, on the edo.distributions reference page. For now, let’s consider the normal distribution:

>>> from edo.distributions import Normal

The default bounds are -10 and 10 for the mean, and 0 and 10 for the standard deviation:

>>> Normal.param_limits
{'mean': [-10, 10], 'std': [0, 10]}

Changing these bounds is as simple as redefining the class attributes:

>>> Normal.param_limits['mean'] = [-5, 5]
>>> Normal.param_limits['std'] = [0, 1]
>>> Normal.param_limits
{'mean': [-5, 5], 'std': [0, 1]}

Now all instances of normally distributed columns will have a mean between -5 and 5, and a standard deviation between 0 and 1.

In addition to this, hard bounds on the parameters can be set:

>>> Normal.hard_limits['mean'] = [-100, 100]

These hard limits are meant to stop the parameter limits from shrinking too far.