Source code for

""" The distribution subtype handler. """

import os
import pathlib
import pickle

import numpy as np

[docs]class Family: """A class for handling all concurrent subtypes of a distribution class. A subtype is an independent copy of the distribution class allowing more of the search space to be explored. Parameters ---------- distribution : edo.distributions.Distribution The distribution class to keep track of. Must be of the same form as those in ``edo.distributions``. max_subtypes : int The maximum number of subtypes in the family that are currently being used in a run of the EA. There is no limit by default. Attributes ---------- name : str The name of the family's distribution followed by ``Family``. subtype_id : int A counter that increments when new subtypes are created. Used as an identifier for a given subtype. subtypes : dict A dictionary that maps subtype identifiers to their corresponding subtype. This gets updated during a run to those that are currently being used in the population. all_subtypes : dict A dictionary of all subtypes that have been created in the family. random_state : np.random.RandomState The PRNG associated with this family to be used for the sampling and creation of subtypes. """ def __init__(self, distribution, max_subtypes=None): self.distribution = distribution self.max_subtypes = max_subtypes = + "Family" self.subtype_id = 0 self.subtypes = {} self.all_subtypes = {} self.random_state = np.random.mtrand._rand def __repr__(self): return f"{}(subtypes={self.subtype_id})"
[docs] def add_subtype(self, subtype_name=None, attributes=None): """Create a copy of the distribution class that is identical and independent of the original.""" if subtype_name is None: subtype_name = f"{}Subtype" if attributes is None: attributes = _get_attrs_for_subtype(self.distribution) subtype = type(subtype_name, (self.distribution,), attributes) subtype.subtype_id = self.subtype_id = self subtype.to_dict = _subtype_to_dict self.subtypes[self.subtype_id] = subtype self.all_subtypes[self.subtype_id] = subtype self.subtype_id += 1
[docs] def make_instance(self, random_state): """Select an existing subtype at random -- or create a new one if there is space available -- and return an instance of that subtype.""" choices = list(self.subtypes) if self.max_subtypes is None or len(choices) < self.max_subtypes: choices.append(self.subtype_id) choice = self.random_state.choice(choices) if choice == self.subtype_id: self.add_subtype() instance = self.subtypes[choice](random_state) return instance
[docs] def save(self, root=".edocache"): """Save the current subtypes in the family and the family's random state in the ``root`` directory.""" path = pathlib.Path(f"{root}/subtypes/{}") path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with open(path / "state.pkl", "wb") as state: pickle.dump( self.random_state, state, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) for subtype_id, subtype in self.all_subtypes.items(): attributes = _get_attrs_for_subtype(subtype) with open(path / f"{subtype_id}.pkl", "wb") as sub: pickle.dump(attributes, sub, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def reset(self, root=None): """Reset the family to have no subtypes and the default ``numpy`` PRNG. If ``root`` is passed then any cached information about the family is deleted.""" self.subtype_id = 0 self.subtypes.clear() self.all_subtypes.clear() self.random_state = np.random.mtrand._rand if root is not None: os.system(f"rm -r {root}/subtypes/{}")
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, distribution, root=".edocache"): """Load in any existing cached subtype dictionaries for ``distribution`` and restore the subtype along with the family's random state.""" family = Family(distribution) name = path = pathlib.Path(f"{root}/subtypes/{name}/") with open(path / "state.pkl", "rb") as state: family.random_state = pickle.load(state) subtype_paths = sorted( path.glob(r"[0-9]*.pkl"), key=lambda p: int(p.stem) ) for path in subtype_paths: with open(path, "rb") as sub: attributes = pickle.load(sub) family.add_subtype(attributes=attributes) return family
def _get_attrs_for_subtype(obj): """ Get the attributes needed from ``obj`` to make or save a subtype. """ attributes = { "name":, "dtype": obj.dtype, "hard_limits": obj.hard_limits, "param_limits": dict(obj.param_limits), "__init__": obj.__init__, "__repr__": obj.__repr__, } return attributes def _subtype_to_dict(self): """Convert an unpickleable subtype instance to a dictionary so it can be recovered at a later date.""" attributes = {"name":, "subtype_id": self.subtype_id} params = {} for param, val in vars(self).items(): params[param] = val attributes["params"] = params return attributes